Technology has profound societal ramifications. While many new technologies have contributed to human welfare, some have caused societal disruption, environmental pollution, and harm to individuals and groups. Since the 1970s, new technologies have been under fire for their negative impact on the environment, leading to a recent explosion in investment in clean energy.
The study of science and technology is an interdisciplinary field that examines the creation and development of science as well as the impact of science and technology on society. This field also examines the social, cultural, and historical contexts of science and technology.
An engineering technologist is an individual who has been trained to work in specific aspects of technology development. The training for an engineering technologist differs from that of an engineer, in that it is more applied and less theoretical. However, both types of engineering education are focused on the practical application of knowledge.
Automation and robotics have been a part of manufacturing technology for decades. With the advent of smart sensors and data-driven programming, these technologies are more effective than ever. These technologies help manufacturers automate routine tasks, while human workers continue to perform highly valuable and complex operations.
Information technology
Information technology (IT) is the application of computer technology to solve a problem or make a process easier. It consists of many components, including computers, software, and peripheral devices. These components interact with each other and with the internet to transmit and exchange data. Other components of IT include computer servers and storage systems.
Medical technology
Medical technology refers to a range of medical treatments that improve people’s quality of life. The World Health Organization defines health technology as “the application of organized knowledge for the improvement of health.” It includes vaccines, medicines, devices, and procedures.
Social impact of technology
Technological advances are bringing many benefits to society, including the ability to make things more affordable. But if we are to make them more effective, we must first think about how they affect people’s lives. There are several key ways to make technology have a positive impact on society. First, it can make us more equal. For example, by making products more affordable, we can help those who are in need and minimize socioeconomic gaps. Another way to make technology improve people’s lives is to make it safer.